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Published Date: Tue, Oct, 03, 23

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Mattress for Couples

Selecting the right mattress isn't just about individual comfort anymore when you’re part of a duo. Whether you're newlyweds, parents welcoming a newborn, or a couple managing health conditions, a restful night’s sleep is crucial for both of you. With this guide, find the best mattress for couples and navigate the luxurious options available at Healthy Bedroom, featuring brands like Hastens, Hypnos, and Sprout.

Understanding the Importance of the Right Mattress for Couples

A poorly chosen mattress can not only disrupt your sleep but also impact your relationship. Gone are the days when a standard mattress would suffice. Today, couples need something that serves diverse needs like weight distribution, spinal alignment, and motion isolation. This is particularly relevant for overweight couples or those dealing with health issues. In this context, the term “best mattress for couples” gains significance, and Healthy Bedroom delivers on this need flawlessly.

The “Natural” Art of Sleeping: Hastens Mattresses

Sweden’s pride, Hastens, specializes in all-natural mattresses. Why does this matter? Well, if you're a new parent and co-sleeping with your baby, you would want to minimize the child's exposure to harsh chemicals. Hastens mattresses are chemical-free and hypoallergenic, making them the best mattress for couples with newborns. They’re also ideal for couples with health ailments seeking to eliminate chemical exposures.

British Craftsmanship in your Bedroom: Hypnos Mattresses

Hypnos mattresses blend luxury and durability. Their pocket springs offer an excellent solution for motion isolation—a top concern among couples. If one partner tosses and turns, the other can still enjoy a serene sleep. This makes Hypnos mattresses an excellent contender for the title of the best mattress for overweight couples, as their quality construction can handle additional weight without disturbing your partner.

Sprout: The Canadian Comfort

Sprout mattresses bring affordability without compromising on comfort. Their multi-layered foam mattresses offer firmness that is ideal for those recovering from surgery or dealing with back issues. If you recently had surgery or are managing health conditions, Sprout offers a range of options that can serve as the best mattress for couples facing these challenges.

Factors to Consider: Firmness, Size, and Material

Firmness: Often, couples disagree on how firm their mattress should be. It’s wise to opt for a medium-firm mattress that provides both support and comfort.

Size: A spacious mattress offers more freedom of movement. This is crucial for couples and even more so for overweight couples who might need the extra space.

Material: The material is critical when picking the best mattress for couples. From the natural fibers of Hastens to the engineered comfort of Sprout, the choice depends on your specific needs.

Tackling the Challenges: Healthy Bedroom's Offerings

Let's talk about some unique challenges that couples face and how Healthy Bedroom's product line addresses them.

  1. Newly Married Couples: The transition to married life often brings sleepless nights due to the change in sleeping environments. The luxurious comfort of a Hypnos mattress can be a perfect gift to your relationship.
  2. Couples with a Newborn: New parents often have disturbed sleep schedules. An all-natural Hastens mattress ensures that your baby is not exposed to harmful chemicals, making it the best mattress for couples with a newborn.
  3. Couples with Health Ailments: Health issues often require a mattress that offers more than just comfort. Sprout mattresses offer the necessary support for couples dealing with health challenges, making them an excellent choice.
  4. Couples Post-Surgery: Recovering from surgery requires a mattress that offers firm support. Sprout’s line of mattresses can be considered the best mattress for couples in recovery.


Why Healthy Bedroom is your Best Choice

With a range of offerings from Hastens, Hypnos, and Sprout, Healthy Bedroom ensures you won’t compromise on quality, comfort, or health. Regardless of the unique sleeping needs you and your partner have, this store in Edmonton, AB, has got you covered. Shipping to all major cities like Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal, Healthy Bedroom is your go-to for the best mattress for couples.


Personalized Options for Every Couple

At Healthy Bedroom, we understand that one size doesn't fit all, especially when it comes to finding the best mattress for couples. From luxurious Hypnos to all-natural Hastens and the practical affordability of Sprout, our range ensures there’s something for everyone. Here's how our offerings can cater to specific couple scenarios:

Overweight Couples: Extra weight requires added support from a mattress. Sprout and Hypnos mattresses are well-suited to this, with strong core support systems, making them the best mattress for overweight couples.

Active Couples: For those who prefer an active lifestyle and need a quick recovery during sleep, Hastens offers an all-natural solution with maximum comfort and minimal environmental impact.

Elderly Couples: Aging brings its own set of challenges, including joint pain and reduced mobility. In such cases, adjustable beds available at Healthy Bedroom can pair well with any mattress you choose, offering an elevated sleeping experience.


Your Budget Doesn’t Define Your Comfort

While Hastens and Hypnos fall on the pricier side, Sprout provides budget-friendly options without sacrificing quality. So, if you’re a couple looking for comfort on a budget, Sprout's range of foam mattresses offers a viable solution. Their line is particularly appealing if you’re in need of a short-term solution or a guest room mattress.

Tailoring Your Experience

Healthy Bedroom's physical store in Edmonton offers an interactive experience for couples to feel and choose their mattresses. While shopping online provides the convenience of quick comparisons and deals, nothing replaces the tactile experience of lying on your potential future mattress. Whether you’re in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto, or Montreal, Healthy Bedroom ships to your location, making it easier to get the best mattress for partners across Canada.

Advanced Sleep Technology: The Unsung Hero

When it comes to the best mattress, technology plays a crucial role. Let's delve into how the cutting-edge technology of our key brands, Hastens, Hypnos, and Sprout, is enhancing the sleep experience for couples:

Hastens' Layered Horsehair: The unique layering of natural horsehair in Hastens mattresses not only provides unmatched comfort but also optimal air circulation. For couples with differing body temperatures, this is an invaluable feature.

Hypnos’ Reactive Springs: The springs in Hypnos mattresses adapt to the shape and weight of your body. This ensures that each partner receives individualized support, making them a suitable & best mattress for overweight couples.

Sprout’s Memory Foam Technology: Memory foam in Sprout mattresses adapts to the contours of your body. This is especially beneficial for couples where one partner is recovering from surgery or has chronic pain.

Sustainability: Because The Planet Matters Too

One of the overlooked aspects when choosing the best mattress is sustainability. Hastens leads the charge with their eco-friendly, all-natural materials. Even Sprout, known for its affordability, offers 100% natural dunlop latex options for those who desire a greener sleep.

Couple Sleeping Styles: The Unsaid Language

Believe it or not, the way a couple sleeps together can say a lot about their relationship. While some couples prefer to cuddle, others maintain a respectful distance. In either case, choosing the best mattress for you involves considering these sleeping styles:

The Spooners: If you and your partner prefer spooning, you'll require a mattress that provides edge support. Hypnos mattresses excel in this regard, making the most of every inch.

The Independent Sleepers: For couples who prefer their space while sleeping, a larger mattress size is ideal. Healthy Bedroom offers a variety of sizes to suit every need.

The Middle-Grounders: Some couples start close and drift apart as they fall asleep. In this case, a Hastens mattress with its even distribution and excellent motion isolation features could be the best mattress like these.

Long-Term Investment or Short-Term Comfort?

Buying a mattress is an investment in your well-being. While Hastens and Hypnos mattresses are built to last, offering up to 20-25 years of comfort, Sprout provides options for those who are not looking for a long-term commitment but still want quality sleep.

Special Customizations for Couples

At Healthy Bedroom, you can personalize your sleep experience by adding toppers, adjustable beds, and other sleep products to your mattress purchase. These add-ons can greatly improve your sleep quality and can be particularly beneficial for couples with special requirements, such as health ailments or post-surgery recovery.

Delivery and Installation: Hassle-Free and Efficient

Healthy Bedroom offers seamless delivery and installation services to all major cities in Canada, including Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. This ensures that you can easily access the best mattress for you without any logistical concerns.

Recap: The Hallmarks of Healthy Bedroom’s Mattress Offerings

Hastens: Best for eco-conscious couples and those with newborns or allergies.

Hypnos: Ideal for couples needing tailored support, especially overweight couples.

Sprout: Most suited for budget-conscious couples and those in need of a mattress for specific, shorter-term needs.


In the journey of life, sleep is a crucial pitstop where you rejuvenate and prepare for the challenges ahead. A comfortable, supportive mattress isn't just an item of luxury; it's a necessity. At Healthy Bedroom, we are committed to offering you options that suit not just your individual needs, but also the unique dynamics that come with sharing a bed. Whether you're looking for the eco-conscious luxury of Hastens, the personalized support of Hypnos, or the budget-friendly yet quality offerings of Sprout, our carefully curated selections strive to offer you the best mattress, irrespective of your circumstances or life stage. With easy shipping across Canada’s major cities and a personalized in-store experience in Edmonton, your quest for the perfect night's sleep ends here. Choose Healthy Bedroom and invest in sleep that enriches not just your health but also strengthens the bond with your partner Choosing a mattress as a couple involves a variety of considerations—from individual comfort and health requirements to budget constraints. With options from premium brands like Hastens, Hypnos, and Sprout, Healthy Bedroom makes this decision easier for you. From all-natural, hypoallergenic options to durable, budget-friendly choices, we offer a range that caters to every couple's unique needs. Healthy Bedroom stands as your ultimate destination for finding the best mattress for partners, fulfilling every requirement, be it comfort, health, or budget.

Whether you're newlyweds starting a life together, new parents concerned about your child's health, or a couple facing health issues or surgeries, Healthy Bedroom offers a range of solutions designed just for you. With shipping options to major Canadian cities, acquiring the best mattress for partners has never been more convenient.

So, make the choice today. Give both yourself and your relationship the gift of a peaceful, restful, and healthful night’s sleep with a mattress from Healthy Bedroom.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Do Hypnos mattresses come with a warranty?

Yes, Hypnos offers a comprehensive warranty, ensuring your investment is secure.

2. Are Hastens mattresses hypoallergenic?

Absolutely. Hastens mattresses are made from all-natural materials, making them hypoallergenic and an ideal choice for couples with newborns or allergies.

3. Can I customize the size and shape of my Sprout mattress?

Yes, Sprout offers customization, allowing you to get a mattress tailored to your specific needs.

Top-rated Mattresses Couples
A person getting help while purchasing mattresses for sale in Edmonton

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